Most large companies charge you a ton of money starting at over $800  and ending up in the thousands for a free program We only charge you a small sign up fee of only  $99 You decide! Here are pros and cons for registering via our site versus the US State Department website and other greedy companies . You decide through which website you want to register! 

 The Service The USA State Department Website Our Website Other Companies
Registration Available now Yes Yes
Equal chance to all participants to win Yes Yes Yes
Free of charge Yes ($)99 Only ($)700
Registration 365 days a year Yes Yes
Option available to send photos by regular mail Yes Yes Yes
Online support by experts Yes Yes
Option to update contact information available at any time Yes Yes
Multiple year submissions possible Yes Yes
USA Department Of State

From the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs Visa Services:
The congressionally mandated Diversity Immigrant Visa Program is administered on an annual basis by the US Department of State and conducted under the terms of Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Section 131 of the Immigration Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-649) amended INA 203 to provide for a new class of immigrants known as “diversity immigrants” (DV immigrants). Alien petitioners for the Diversity Visa Program will no longer be permitted to submit a petition by mail. Instead, the Department will require that all petitions be submitted to it in an electronic format, using an Internet website dedicated specifically to the submission and receipt of Diversity Visa.

  • Winning Notifications:Winners will be notified by email, regular mail, phone (and fax optionally).
  • Flexible Address:You can change your address at anytime (including email address, physical address, phone & fax numbers, etc.)
    also after the submission of the application or after the deadline period – We will update the changes in our data base.
  • Photos Scanning or Uploading:Upload your photos online or send us your photos with post mail and we will scan them according to the US Government requirements.
  • Timely submission:You do not need to worry about the submission period. The state department dedicated website will only be available for a short and specific period only.
  • Multiple Year Submission:You can fill your details once, and we will resubmit your application every year (see payments required).
  • 100% Guaranteed participation in the Green Card Lottery Program.
  • Customer Service available in various languages for any assistance required.
  • Guaranteed confirmation of your Green Card application submission sent directly to your email. The submission email will be sent during the month of submission in October.
  • Money-back guarantee if no confirmation email is sent (for this payment only).
  • Access your Green Card application all year long and receive updates on any changes that may be applied by the US State Department.
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